4.5.1 4.5a What kind of content authoring tool is right for your needs?
Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers, register your answers and find out your score.

1. What do you want your learners to remember about the course (click all that apply):
1. A. The content 2. B. Easy access to the course 3. C. Waiting for the video to download 4. D. The narrator's sensual voice 5. E. The dancing exclamation point 6. F. The cool crossword puzzle they had to fill in
2. What is your delivery environment ?
1. A. PDAs, iPODs, iPhones, cell-phones, laptops, desktops 2. B. Firefox, IE, AOL, Safari, and Opera 3. C. Internet Explorer only 4. D. Internal computers, all with 1024x768 resolution 5. E. Internal highly controlled with Flash 9.0, Window Media 11, Windows XP only
3. What is the ideal course layout for self-study?
1. A. A web site with multiple internal and external links, including course-wide navigation that is always available 2. B. A linear course structure where the student can only move forwards and backwards. PowerPoint slides published as a web site are excellent. 3. C. A course that forces the learner to stay on each page until the narration for that page completes 4. D. A self-propelled slide show with one test at the end. 5. E. A video of the most recent face-to-face course that I gave.
If your score is below 5 points, a tool like ReadyGo Web Course Builder is ideal.
If your score is between 5 and 10, you will need a combination of tools such as ReadyGo to provide structure, and Flash to provide visually stimulating elements. If your score is above 10, you will need a staff of graphic artists, video producers, and IT support for best delivery. Please ask your learners what they liked the best.

New ReadyGo Features
1. WCB Version 8.0
2. SST Version 8.0
3. Administrator
4. WCB Version 7.0
5. WCB Version 6.0