5.3 Complete support for Cell Phones, Smart Phones, and PDA's
All ReadyGo WCB courses can now be accessed by cell phones, smart phones, and PDA's
  1. People on Blackberry, iPhone, Minimo, Palm, Symbian, Windows CE, and Windows Mobile can access courses built with the ReadyGo WCB.
  1. When creating courses for smartphones, due to the small screen size and limited browser capabilities you will need to:
    1. Choose an appropriate template
    1. Limit your course content
    1. Limit any multi-media
  1. Tests and surveys are also supported
    1. ReadyGo test questions work on cell phones, smart phones, and PDA's
    1. ReadyGo SST works with cell phones, smart phones, and PDA's
It's True! It's True! Yes, people on a Blackberry can access all courses built with ReadyGo WCB 7.0.