2.7 Epidemiological research
  1. A particle of 10 microns in diameter has about the same mass as 1 million particles of 0.1 microns in diameter, but it is much less dangerous because it probably never enters the human body, and if it would penetrate, it is quickly removed .
  1. In some countries there are already proposals for new regulations, where it comes to limiting the Particle Size or particle number, goes.
  1. Another aspect that has not been sufficiently documented, the question is to what extent the shape of the particles can shape of the particles affect health.

    It is widely recognized that the hazardous spring-like form of asbestos settles down in the lungs, often with dire consequences.

    Geometric square shapes have more surface area than round shapes, which in turn affects their binding capacity with other, perhaps more dangerous substances.
lung disease Advance to explain

are lung diseases caused by the inhalation of dusts and subsequent thereto lung deposition with subsequent tissue reaction.

fibrosis is the abnormal proliferation of the connective tissue of organs. The connective tissue hardens and leads to severe dysfunction of the affected organs. When pulmonary fibrosis results in the formation of connective tissue between the alveoli and the blood vessels that surround them.
Tabelle: Einige Typen der Pneumokoniose in Bezug auf Staubart und Lungenreaktion
Ursache der Krankheit Typ der Krankheit Lungen-
Asbest Asbeststaublunge
Kieselerde (Quarz) Silikose
Kohle Kohlenpneumokoniose
Beryllium Beryllium-Krankheit
Wolframcarbid Hartmetalllunge
Eisen Eisenspeicherkrankheit Siderose
Zinn Zinnstaublunge (Stannose)
Barium Schwerspat-Staublunge (Barytosis pulmonum)
Schimmeliges Heu, Stroh und Getreide Farmer-Lunge
Kot und Federn Vogelhalter-Lunge
Zusammensetzungen von Staub Pilzarbeiter-Lunge
Staub von wärmebehandelten Schlamm Klärschlamm Krankheit
Partikel und getrockneter Urin von Ratten Tierhändler-Lunge
Einige dieser Krankheiten gelten als Berufskrankheiten und sind sogar meldepflichtig.
Table: Some types of pneumoconiosis in relation to dust and pulmonary reaction
cause of the disease type of disease lung
asbestos asbestos lung disease
silica (quartz) silicosis
coal Kohlenpneumokoniose
beryllium beryllium disease
tungsten carbide hard metal lung
iron iron storage disease siderosis
tin Zinnstaublunge (Stannosis)
barium barite pneumoconiosis (Barytosis pulmonum)
Moldy hay, straw and grain Farmer lung
droppings and feathers birdkeeper lung
compositions of dust mushroom workers' lung
dust from heat-treated sludge sewage sludge disease
particles and dried urine of rats animal dealers lung
Some of these diseases are regarded as occupational diseases and are even reported.
Clean Air Solution
1Indoor Air Quality
2Air Particles
3Introduction to Fan Technology
4Case Studies
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